Squires Turf
2746 Garner Road Aynor, South Carolina 29511
(843) 358-0416

residential lawn featuring darker green grass

Zoysia (Medium Blade)

Zoysia is one of the early turfgrass varieties that has continued to exceed expectations. A slower-growing grass type, Zoysia turfgrass shows exceptional cold tolerance and is by far the most durable of all sod types. Darker green in color, Zoysia grass thrives in full sun and partial shade. Ideal for residential lawns, Zoysia is a thicker, denser grass type evident in its lush appearance. Additionally, Zoysia grass offers less maintenance than many grass types since it has a slower growth rate and requires less fertilizing treatments to thrive.

Explore some of the highlights

Zoysia grass serves as a great option when considering your turf options. Soft to the touch, Zoysia turf displays a rich emerald green color. Due to its density and slow growth rate, Zoysia grass is commonly seen in parks, commercial landscapes and home lawns. See some of the highlights below.

Lush, dark green appearance

High traffic tolerance

Excellent cold & shade tolerance

Less mowing & maintenance

Slower growth-rate

Great for most outdoor spaces

contact us today at (843) 358-0416